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Tuesday 5 June 2012

Cake, Cathedrals and Corgis

As you would rightly expect dear reader, Miss Mannequin could not let this months Diamond Jubilee celebrations go by without acknowledgment or comment.

Being a mannequin of great pedigree and class (if ever a mannequin were imbibed with blue blood, surely there would be a can of it somewhere in my factory store cupboard), I must convey my jubilant felicitations to Her Majesty on behalf of the many British (and Commonwealth) mannequins who have served Queen and Country throughout her reign.

Although some of the earlier models may now be suffering from advanced degenerative rubber syndrome, metalwork corrosion and fatigued joints: we raise our collective articulated arms high in proud salute (spare parts permitting) and pledge continued support and service to our Monarch in the promotion and display of quality British goods designed and manufactured in these fair isles.

...and a word to the wise dear readers...should you chance upon her majesty during this auspicious jubilee season; do remember,
it’s ma’am as in spam,
Not marm as in harm!
and here's a little culinary tribute i baked earlier!

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